
Spaxton PTFA

Spaxton PTFA is a charitable organisation that is an integral part of the school community.  It brings parents, teachers and children together to help form good relationships between school and home, and to advance the education and experiences of the children.

Members of the PTFA are parents, guardians or carers of any children attending the school, plus all school staff. The day to day running of the PTFA is carried out by a small committee which is made up of three main roles.  These are chair, treasurer and secretary. The committee is supported by the school and other parents who volunteer their time to help in a number of ways, from designing promotional material for social media, to helping run events. 

Over the last few years the PTFA has arranged a number of fundraising events, including bingos, fairs, school discos, and movie nights. A lot of events focus on getting the whole school community together, including parents, children and teachers, whilst also raising funds for the PTFA. Some fundraising activities, such as the whole school ‘self-portrait’ tea-towels, create lasting mementos of the children’s time at school. 

So what does the money raised get spent on? Although some events are run specifically to offer social activities for the children, most are organised to raise funds. These funds are spent in a considered way, with input from the school, parents and children, as appropriate.  In the past this has included extra teaching aids and school equipment, such as play area equipment in the school field and reception class areas.  It also covers experiences for the children, such as whole school visits to the theatre or zoo. This enriches the children’s time at school and makes the central funding go that little bit further.

There are lots of ways you can help support your child through the PTFA, even if you only have a couple of hours to spare. The PTFA always need volunteers to help organise, lead and support activities or events. We are an extremely friendly team and you’d be very welcome to help or attend our meetings to share your own ideas. If you would like to be more involved, you can volunteer to be a committee member. It’s great fun and very rewarding to be part of something that will directly help your child. 

If you want to contact the PTFA please email us at SpaxtonPTFA@spaxton-qet.co.uk