

Please see all statutory policies below.  School policies are available as PDF's to download, Quantock Education Trust policies are available via a link to their website.

Other School policies

Contact the school office if you wish to receive a copy of any of the following policies:

  • Acceptable Use Policy
  • Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Asbestos Management Policy
  • Critical Incidents Policy
  • Curriculum Policy
  • Dogs on School Grounds Policy and Risk Assessment
  • Educational visits and activities policy
  • Equal opportunities policy
  • Feedback policy
  • Governor code of conduct
  • Headlice policy
  • Lettings Policy
  • Lockdown policy
  • Online Safety Policy 
  • Physical Restraint Policy
  • Pupil Premium Policy
  • RE policy
  • Remote Learning Policy
  • Volunteers Policy
Further Quantock Education Trust Policies can be found at the Trust website here.
These policies include:
Anti-Bullying Policy
Arrangements for Teachers Appraisal and Pay Progression for 2020-2021 (COVID-19)
Articles of Association
Company Accounts
Disciplinary Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Suspensions and Permanent Exclusions Policy
Expenses Policy
Investment Policy
Master Funding Agreement

Privacy Notice - Pupils and Parents
Privacy Notice - Recruitment
Privacy Notice - Workforce
Privacy Notice - Governors and Trustees
Recruitment Policy
Risk Management Strategy
Staff Wellbeing and Mental Health Policy
Vaccination Policy
Whistleblowing Policy